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Positions and programmatic principles




Communist Liberation


In taking the first decisive step towards the formation of a programme and party of Communist Liberation, we seek to highlight in both theory and practice the need and possibility of a socially emancipatory alternative to modern capitalism, in sync with the growing thoughts and feeling of millions of people that this world must be changed. Our goal is for a triple contribution in this struggle: through the theoretical development, through social movements, and politically. Our main aim is to answer the question of how this world of barbarity in the era of Total Capitalism can be changed and what organization of the society it can be replaced with. This answer takes on an urgent character in the present period of the most barbaric campaign and the overall reactionary reconstruction of capitalism and especially of the bourgeois political system with the rise of the far right. The bourgeoisie and the EU, more than in any other historical period of capitalism, seek to nullify proactively any possibility of challenging and overthrowing the social plunder and the threat of war, to crush the prospect of a decent life for the working class and especially the youth. In this context they seek to "tame" the left-radical forces and, above all, to suppress all subversive currents, trends and forces, including the new communist resurgence.


A modern strategic response, guided by the revolutionary theory of Marxism, holds that communism in the 21st century expresses real tendencies of workers' emancipation and social liberation. For a mode of production and social organization that emerges as an expression of the potentialities, needs and demands of the social majority, as a solution that represents the emancipatory tendency of the working class and other oppressed strata. The historical experience of the victory and defeat of workers' revolutions in the 20th century has shown that communism is not only an idea and a promise for change in terms of property and power relations in some indefinite future. It is the goal and the act of a movement that transcends the established order, the "movement which abolishes the existing order". It is also the path that this movement is taking and the forms of its organization in all fields of class struggle.

This strategy requires in practice a corresponding programme of workers' politics and power. One which will encapsulate all contemporary subversive, theoretical, socio-political research, the experience from the people’s movements and the class confrontations of the present. One which will also deal with the highest level of the struggle against the class opponent, in order to help the revolutionary forces win. A programme of workers’ politics and power which will project the workers' achievements to the new power and its objectives during the transitional period towards communism. This programme is the guide for revolutionary tactics, the anti-capitalist framework of struggle and the corresponding forms-structures of constitution at all levels (movement, political struggle, etc.) and of course social and political alliances. It equips the forces of workers' politics in their struggle towards the overall confrontation with bourgeois politics. On this path, the workers' movement in the broad sense (trade union organs, radical tendencies, forms of anti-capitalist rallying, communist organizations and parties) will be able to impose their demands on the bourgeoisie as the modern essence of the “Bread - Work - Peace – Freedom” slogan therefore causing cracks till the total breakdown of the system creating the conditions for the transfer of wealth and power to the workers through the anti-capitalist revolution and the overthrowing of bourgeois rule.


With this choice and logic, we can contribute - in practice - to the anti-capitalist, revolutionary Left with a new communist strategy. This is a period of comprehensive rethinking on all those elements that have led to the current negative situation of the movement and the left. Hence this is a time of deep self-criticism, but above all it is a time for the communist Left to make a breakthrough. We cannot continue with a “business as usual” logic, just managing things within the framework of the existing Left. Nor are we allowed to proceed with the logic of partial moves, of replicating failed practices and policies of the past, of various patchwork adhesions and parliamentary games, of repetitions of managerial governmental programmes and fronts. Of course, there is no room for the logic which denies the need for a programme and a revolutionary anti-capitalist front in the name of some “people's power” which will emerge in the future "through the strengthening of the party". A party which at the same time reminisces about the defeated "past greatness".


We are boldly making a new beginning. Activists and cadres from different political paths, currents and generations, are taking the next step to found a revolutionary communist organization through a process of programmatic discussion, theoretical elaborations and the joint contribution to the workers’ and people’s movements in recent years. This new organization is the fruit of the struggles, theoretical quests, experience and conscious choice of an important current and section of the anti-capitalist Left and the communist movement in our country. The potential of left dissent and rupture - especially that of the early 1990s - with the traditional communist movement and its actors which took place with a view to a communist re-foundation lies in the foundations of this attempt. This is the outcome of the path chosen by thousands of fighters of the contemporary anti-capitalist and revolutionary communist Left and the new emerging currents/tendencies of social emancipation in the present conditions created by the contemporary Total Capitalism. It condenses the potential of the political and class struggles of more than three decades in order the collective experience, the conquests and the steps taken to a higher level in order to make the necessary breakthroughs and overcome chronic and serious weaknesses, so that communism becomes again a point of reference and a visible political current in Greek society. First of all, this is a challenge towards addressing the contemporary multiform working class and its allies. Above all, it responds to the needs, contradictions and tendencies that spring from contemporary capitalism and make its overthrow more urgent than ever.

The new organization will consciously have at the epicenter of its action and will work theoretically, politically and organizationally for the construction of a party of Communist Liberation and a new "alliance" with the existing, minor but militant, tendencies of rupture with the capitalist system that are emerging at all levels of class struggle. We aim to build an organization that will contribute to the necessary anti-capitalist workers' front, the class-reconstruction of the workers' movement with a central role for the tendencies of workers' emancipation thus contributing to the political movement of revolutionary overthrow of bourgeois power as a whole.


In this process, it is important that the first decisions and initiatives of the new organization manage to contribute decisively to the confrontation with bourgeois politics, to change the correlations in society and within the Left, and form a bloc of subversive forces, independent from bourgeois politics and reformist projects. The epicentre of our initiatives is the specific working class and youth which adopt this class anti-capitalist conception and practice in every struggle, the movement and the elections. With movements to rally the anti-capitalist potential and the independent Left in the anti-capitalist movement in working-class sectors, in cities and regions, in the student movement, etc. For a new trend and a new power of an anti-capitalist workers' front and workers' emancipation, utilizing the existing positive achievements but taking them to a higher level. This power will be tested, judged and finally crystallized by the concrete collective action and by the quality of a new workers' communist programmatic proposal.

February 2025




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